The Corop Wetlands comprise a series of 10 main wetlands that run north-south for 30 kilometres and cover an area of over 1500 hectares, starting at the Mansfield Swamp in the north through to One Tree Swamp in the south.

From 2002–2010 Lake Cooper was in the unusual state of being dry, which has saw aquatic life disappear and new sand dunes form.

The Corop Wetlands are part of the Goulburn River flood-plain. Lake Cooper and Greens Lake have public access, including boat ramps. Over 60 species of birds have been identified. Several endangered species of plants have been found at Lake Cooper. Both lakes have camping facilities and are popular for fishing and water-sports.

Many other smaller intermittent lakes and swamps make up the Corop Wetlands. Whilst most are located on private property Gaynors Swamp and the Wallenjoe Swamp are accessible.

Most of these lakes have distinctive lunettes on the Eastern side due to accumulated sand blown from the dry lakebed during the drought. While Lake Cooper was dry, it was interesting to see lunette formation in action.

The Corop Wetlands include:

  • Lake Cooper
  • Greens Lake
  • Corop Wetlands
  • Wallenjoe Swamp
  • Gaynor Swamp

Greens Lake

Greens Lake is located approximately 3.5km north-east of Corop, along the Midland Highway. If forms part of the Waranga Western Channel irrigation system and has water in it all year round. It is managed by Goulburn Murray Water.

The lake is a popular camping, boating and recreational area. Camping is free. There is a boat ramp and basic toilet facilities, with an RV Dump Point located behind the toilet block.

The nearby Corop Store provides fuel, ice, food, bait and beverages.

Campers should take note of any fire restrictions. Visit the Country Fire Authority website for warnings and restrictions.

The lake is closed annually to the public on the 30 and 31 December and re-opens on the 1 January.

More information and the Greens Lake Land and On-Water Management Plan is available from Goulburn Murray Water.

Lake Cooper

Lake Cooper is managed by Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.